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Motorcycle summer gloves

Summer motorcycle gloves are the best choice for both women and men (choose from the list on the right) who - you guessed it - want to enjoy the summer ride and not have sweaty hands. Thin material, mesh panels or perforated leather, everything is done to achieve this.

The result is a good steering feel, plenty of grip and, as a result, many riders who rely on hand guards and/or heated grips prefer summer gloves from early spring to late autumn.

Style - or lack thereof - is no longer an issue: summer motorcycle gloves come in many varieties and for many personal tastes.
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Thin summer gloves would completely miss their usefulness (ventilation) if they had a membrane. Hence, these gloves are never waterproof. Pick and lose, you know how it goes.

Also because they are small and compact, a pair of summer gloves is ideal as a second pair. In the not so summery months you wear waterproof motorcycle gloves. If necessary, a pair of waterproof overgloves can also save your life.


It is not a generally known fact, but motorcycle gloves can be washed! You can find more information and the specific products you need right here.

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